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Tour the Board

Board can be viewed in three different modes: Layout, Pin, and Stacked. Take a quick tour to understand the options.

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Written by Batterii Support
Updated over a week ago

Display options allow you to view Board content in the way that is best for your team and to help guide collaboration.

Moderators set the Board view based on how they want their team to participate. 

Pin mode

In this viewing mode, the assets on a Board are able to grow and fill all available space. This mode is great for browsing and exploring content on a wall, or to identify trends and themes across large amounts of content.

Layout mode

In this mode, the assets can be arranged as needed to identify themes, show relationships, or map to a process or template. Assets begin in the Inbox, and can be dragged onto the wall where they can be positioned just like on a physical whiteboard, wall or pinboard. 

Backdrops are available in the moveable wall mode.  Room Moderators can place a backdrop from the community level backdrop options. Or any participants have the ability to quickly place an asset, make it larger (drag from the corner) and lock it into place to use it as a backdrop. 

Layout board Inbox
The Inbox is available in this mode only, and stores assets that have not yet been arranged on the wall. Assets that have been added with the Web Clipper, Batterii Mobile, copied to the wall or added by others but not placed, will appear in the inbox so they can be sorted onto the Movable wall.

Board Tools (Settings, Evaluations, Missions, and Backdrops)
Each Board has all of the tools available from the "Edit" dropdown list. Click "Edit" then can access the Toolbar and you will see each action the Room Owner/Moderator is asking you to do when participating on the wall. The Tools holds the overview for the Missions, Evaluations, and Backdrops that have been added.

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