Once your new Batterii Community has been created, personalize it with your company Logo and Community Homepage banner.
Community Logo
The community logo shows in two locations - top right in the banner or on the left navigation. Select the Batterii logo in either location in order to update to your company logo.ย
Click the three dots in the top right logo OR Go to the left navigation and wait a moment as the navigation titles show.ย
Click on the Batterii logo in the top-left corner. ย
The "Change Community Logo" box will pop up in the center of your screen. Select your logo from your computer and then click "Upload".
Logo Dimension Recommendations
PNG or JPG file types with colors that work over a dark background, either a rectangle or with a transparent background (PNG only), shortest dimension should be minimum of 100px. Please be aware the logo is placed on a black background, choose the logo that will look best on black.
Homepage Banner
1. On the homepage click on the three dots in the right lower corner of the default banner.
2. The "Change Community Banner" box will pop up in the center of your screen. Select your banner from your computer and then click "Upload".
โBanner Dimension Recommendations
High resolution JPG or PNG, minimum 1600px wide and minimum 320px tall - recommended height is at least 640px tall though.
Tip: Text in the banner is discouraged as it's likely to be cropped out of the frame. However, if you do include text, you'll get the best results when the text is vertically centered and kept away from the left and right edges.
Some image formats may not be fully supported within Batterii. Known problem image types are:
TIFF images with multiple layers
PNG images that contain multiple layers and/or proprietary metadata (e.g. Adobe Fireworks project information)
Images that use a custom color profile may not render with completely accurate colors
These image types may not uploaded as a logo (community logo, room logo, home page banner) because their atypical format prevents Batterii from manipulating the image and generating the necessary image preview.