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Card Templates (Managers Only)

Help participants get started with card types and templates

Batterii Support avatar
Written by Batterii Support
Updated over a week ago

Card Templates are a way to help participants get started! It was easy to create a new card types and templates.

After creating the card and setting the Name, Icon and Color click "Edit Template".

1) Click +Add a block

2) Select the block type from the drop down. Text, Image, Link, Sticky, Document and Video are available by default. All other Card types you have created in your community will be available via the drop down.

Section Header and Instructions are both optional and can provide context for the different card types.

3) Add another block or multiple blocks and "Save".

Tip: Templates are created to give participants a starting point or a guide. Card templates are not set in stone. They allow for individuals to organically add more or less content to the type if appropriate.

No template? Don't worry! Each card will launch with a space holder to get participants started.

Need to create a new card type first? Create New Community Card Types .

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