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Ideas for How to Use Missions

Missions can be used for both Internal project research or capture External consumer knowledge

Batterii Support avatar
Written by Batterii Support
Updated over a week ago

Missions have the ability to align with a wide range of activities that you and your team may be trying to accomplish.


Missions can be used to communicate tasks to the internal project team throughout your design process. While researching you can missions can direct members to capture competitive research in the field, prompt a store visit, desk research, and interviews.

Once research is captured missions can be utilized to synthesize content. Missions could communicate tasks to organize the content through movable walls or activities with wall backdrops.

Missions can let our team members know to create and compose ideas or trends via Cards through the research and synthesizing that has been achieved throughout your process.


Missions can be used to allow "guests" to participate. Think of guests as consumers that you may want to invite into your community to run a focus group. Consumers can be now sent missions through the use of there mobile devices to upload content based on your guidelines.

Now your team has the power to gain insight into the lives of your consumers or target market through missions. Utilize guests to test product, concepts, and ideas as well as provide there own!

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