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Consumer Missions

Missions can be assigned by room Moderators to communicate tasks and direct captured photos, videos and stickies to the right wall.

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Written by Batterii Support
Updated over a week ago

Creating and Sending Consumer Missions

You can only invite external explorers or guests if your community is set up to allow you (Community Member) to send invitations. If your account isn't flagged to "invite guests via email" reach out to your Community Manager. 

If you are a Market Researcher or working on a Consumer Insights team you may be working with focus groups. Missions allow you to both streamline and enhance the process and participant experience allowing you to capture more meaningful insights.

When you are ready to invite your consumers into your room you can add them specifically to the project room as "Explorers". 

To do this:
Under the "People" tab under Missions you will see that you can invite new Batterii users (consumers) into your room as well as add current community members (internal)

When "inviting via email" ** you will see that you can add your guest into the room under a few different roles:

Explorer: Can only view assigned Missions and their own contributions to those Missions.

Participant: Can view all room details and content, and add/edit their own contributions.

Moderator: Can view and edit all room contributions, missions, people, and room settings.

Tip: When inviting consumers you may wish to keep the organization behind you mission confidential for any number of reasons. We recommend making those consumers "blind" from seeing community details. (Blinding the consumer is by community and needs to be turned on at the Community Level by the Community Manager)

After you have identified and invited consumers to participate in your research focus group you are ready to add them to the project room you have created.

  1. Select the missions tab when in the room (must be a room Moderator)

  2. "Create a new mission"

  3. Set up your mission by "adding a title" and adding a description

When creating consumer focused missions you may have members of your internal team participating in the room to synthesize the content being uploaded.

Under "membership" you will see that you can invite "Everyone in the Room" to participate as well as "Explorers only" or "Manually assign members".

Feel free to set a start and end date to your mission as well as be sure to select the wall in which you would like the content delivered to.

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