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Batterii - Past Updates

Selected recent feature updates for the Batterii web application and mobile apps

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Written by Batterii Support
Updated over a week ago

January 27, 2019

Updated interface for asset details

The interface for viewing information about content uploaded to Batterii has been given a new look, with a focus on prioritizing the most important information and simplifying the layout. Tags have been made much more prominent for easier categorization of your assets and quicker identification of trends and themes that may be tagged on the asset. Action buttons have been collected into a single actions menu next to the Like button. And all the metadata about comments, how an asset has been used, and other useful details like visual analysis have been conveniently built into a new tabbed layout which allows quick access when you need it, but hides all those extra details when you just want to know the basics of the asset.

Updated Quick Poll response analysis tools

Responding to some recent user feedback on the new Quick Poll Mission type, we have expanded the available ways to view the responses to a Quick Poll Mission. You can continue to view the default aggregated rollup of all responses on the Mission Details Dashboard, but now there is an additional method for viewing all individual responses given by a particular Mission participant. 

To view all the poll answers from just one person, find that participant's name in the dashboard participant listing, and click their name to view only their individual responses in a new modal window.


December 8, 2018

Mission Types and Improved Mission Management

Missions in Batterii have been upgraded with powerful new capabilities to allow Mission Managers to engage consumers more easily, better track mission engagement and participant progress, and record new types of responses from explorers. This is all made possible by the introduction of Batterii Mission Types.

No longer generic and accepting any type of response from Mission participants, the new and improved Mission Types allow a Mission Manager to indicate specific types of responses they would like from their participants. The type of mission sent will then provide instructions and a guided experience for the participant to help them easily and efficiently respond to the Mission exactly how the manager requested.

The new types of Missions launching today are Photo Response, Video Response, Concept Review and Quick Poll. See below for a brief introduction to each of these mission types and the new capabilities they offer:

Photo Response

This mission type presents the participant with specific instructions for capturing photos, and allows for the capture of multiple sequential photos without interruption. When the participant is finished capturing, they can select the best photos and discard any others, then enter a unique title and description for each photo before uploading.

Video Response

This mission type, the most commonly used, has a new guided question interface that helps consumers more easily respond accurately to the questions they have been asked to answer as part of their Mission instructions. Before beginning their video, participants can review everything they will be asked, and then upon the start of recording they will be presented with each question, one at a time, which they can then indicate they have answered and move on to the next question. Additional functionality while recording has also been added, most notably the ability to switch cameras between front and rear facing seamlessly while recording, the ability to pause and resume video capture within a single response, and an interface for reviewing their response and easily retrying if the recording was not to their satisfaction

Concept Feedback

This mission type is a modified version of the standard Video Response type where the Mission participant is presented with a video or photo to view prior to recording their video. All the features described for Video Response Missions above are available for Concept Feedback Missions following the initial video or photo presentation.

Quick Poll

This mission type provides an entirely new way for Batterii users to receive responses from their participants. Quick Polls allow for the presentation of custom multiple choice and free response questions, which are then aggregated and presented on a response dashboard for Mission Managers to review. This Mission type can be helpful for gathering easily digestible context and trends across the participant group that can help inform the more nuanced multimedia responses that make Batterii such a powerful qualitative research tool.

All of the above Mission types also feature the following new capabilities:

  • Custom image banners for improved presentation of Missions to participants

  • Enhanced Mission tracking for all response types

  • Robust Mission status review and communication tools 

  • Demographic data tracking for Mission Explorers using the Batterii Missions app

  • Fine grain notification controls for encouraging Mission participation

  • Mission Groups that allow multiple Missions to be presented together in a sequence

Batterii Missions app on iOS and Android

The new Mission capabilities are all available in the new Batterii Missions app, now available in the Apple App Store for iPhone and Google Play Store for Android. This app specifically offers Missions capabilities as a companion to the Batterii Mobile app, which will continue to be available with the collaboration capabilities it offers today. 

Batterii Missions is specifically designed to improve the Mission experience for consumer participants on Missions, to make it easier than ever for them to share their valuable insights and feedback in Mission responses.

Here are a few of the notable new capabilities in the Batterii Missions app:

  • New visual design and improved user experience for viewing and learning about available Missions

  • More detailed and informative notifications about assigned Missions

  • Guided responses for each Mission type, including clearly presented interactive questions while recording video responses

  • Enhanced video capture capabilities that allow for pausing video recordings, switching between available device cameras within a single response without interruption, and integrated reviewing of recorded responses prior to submission

  • Quick Polls that allow participants to answer multiple choice and free text responses

  • Concept Feedback Missions that allow participants to view videos or images prior to giving their reaction when recording their response


Batterii Update 3/21/2018

The Insights Dashboard

Room members who have desktop access can now view a new page within Batterii. We call it the Insights Dashboard and it allows you to easily see data about room and mission participation. 

Use the Insights Dashboard to see how much activity there is in a room, what types of files are being uploaded, and who is contributing to missions. Go ahead and click on the Insights button in the top left hand corner of any room to see it for yourself!

Check out this article to learn more details about the Insights Dashboard. 


Batterii Update 1/19/2018

Additional Room Role: Reviewers

Room Moderators with Batterii Premium now have the option to assign individuals the role of "Reviewer."

This allows people to see the content within a room but only participate in a few ways. As their name suggests, Reviewers can only do the following:

               • View content
               • Comment on wall assets
               • Vote in evaluations

This will help Room Moderators capture feedback without giving full permission to participate in a room. And like any role, you can invite Reviewers by going to the People Dashboard in the room. Try it today!

  For more information on roles within a room, just click here.  


Batterii Update 10/27/17

Room Activity Timeline

The Room Overview page has been updated to show a new Room Activity feed in addition to the Room Brief. This feed will show when new content is added or commented on, when events like missions and evaluations begin or end, when people join or leave the room, as well as other changes in the room. All this information makes it easier and quicker to find where the action is and jump right in with your team. Give it a try today by visiting your favorite room and going to the Overview page. 

Check out this short article for all the Room Activity Feed details. 


Batterii Update 10/15/17

Visual Analysis for videos
Analyze your videos faster with new Visual Analysis for videos
All newly uploaded videos added to Batterii are now automatically analyzed by our machine analysis system to identify objects, concepts and topics based on the visual data in the video. This data is used to make searches more effective, as well as give you quick access to a list of what is in that video. When combined with automatic transcription, Visual Analysis for videos makes it easier than ever to work with your videos uploaded to Batterii and get to insights more quickly.

Batterii Mobile - Add Profile Photo and Sort Wall Content

Choose a profile photo on Batterii Mobile
You can now tap your profile image on Batterii Mobile to take a new photo, or choose from the camera roll on your device to update your profile photo.

Sort your wall content on Batterii Mobile
Walls on mobile can now be sorted by all the same criteria as walls on the web: Newest Uploads, Oldest Uploads, A-Z, Z-A, and Most Likes. Just tap the “…” button in the upper right corner of any wall on Batterii Mobile and choose “Sort wall by…”

Batterii Update 9/18/17Automatic Video Transcripts (Premium Batterii only)

All videos uploaded to Batterii will now display an automatically generated transcript based on any English speech contained in the video. Using advanced machine analysis technology Batterii helps you synthesize your video content from interviews, missions and design research faster than ever before.

To take advantage of this feature during the free preview period (9/18/17-12/31/17), simply upload a video into Batterii and the transcription will automatically begin processing once the video has completed the upload process.

Batterii Update 9/13/17

Upload faster from your capture queue with a new UPLOAD ALL button New for Batterii Mobile on both iOS and Android, tap the Upload All button in the upper right corner of the Uploads screen whenever you have more than one item with a destination set, and everything will begin uploading all at once. Any items that were captured without a destination set will remain in your Capture Queue.

New setting to begin uploads automatically the next time your device connects to a wifi network (Android only)
Use less mobile data by telling your device to automatically start uploading queued items the next time you connect to wifi. Find this setting on the Account screen after signing in to your Batterii community with the Batterii Mobile app for Android.

Batterii Update 9/3/17

Improved asset timelines, now with enhanced comment editing

Track the usage of your asset across walls and rooms with the updated asset timeline system. In addition to grouping repeat actions and providing new filters to view just the entries you want to see, you can also now Edit and Delete your comments after adding them to the timeline.


Batterii Update 8/18/17

Bulk Invitations are here! 

Cocreation is now faster and easier with bulk invitations!  

At the community level the Managers can copy/paste their invite list and create a bulk invitation into the community. 

Managers set the community role (Manager, Member or Guest) and can assign the whole group to one or more rooms within the community all before sending invitations. 

At the Room level, the owner can copy/paste their invite list and bulk invite into their room.  This allows for bulk Explorer and Participant invitations that are all Guests in the community. 

Email addresses only need a space, a comma OR a line break in order for our system to identify the separate addresses. 


Batterii Update 7/20/17

Search “Stickers” for faster selection of stickers.

You can now do more with a Text Box on moveable walls... Bold, Underline, choose a Color and even align Left, Center or Right. 


Batterii Update 7/8/17

Express yourself with new Movable wall capabilities: Building on the updates we made in the spring to make Movable walls more customizable and intuitive, we have continued by adding more highly requested features. Some of the highlights include:

- New custom text labels to help you identify assets on your walls

- Draw shape, line and arrow annotations to organize your walls

- Brand new “Stickers” to give your walls and presentations even more personality

- Refreshed wall interface that is more intuitive and adaptable to the wall mode you are currently using

- New right click and double click shortcut menu for quick creation of new items on your Movable wall

- Refreshed Inbox interface and added multi-select drag and drop capability

Enhanced sticky notes: Batterii sticky notes got a big boost, as you can now apply text formatting, change the font size manually to whatever size you need, and make use of an expanded color palette for both the sticky note color and the text color.

Improved onboarding for new community members


Batterii Update 5/24/17

Organic Tags List on Mobile! 

There has always been the ability to tag as you see fit, but now in order to have a more consistent tagging structure any tag you add will now show in the larger list of tags for others to choose from!  On Mobile any pre-set tags that are set by the room Moderator will show at the TOP of the list and the organic tags follow. Don't see a tag you want to use, just add your own! 

Batterii Update 5/11/17

Quickly duplicate walls to save time when setting up your room: Moderators can visit the wall settings area to find the new Duplicate Wall button, which allows for quick creation of a new wall and its settings within the same room, or in any other room the moderator has permissions in.

Build a new card from selected assets: You can now choose assets from your walls and use them as a starting point to build a new Card using the new “Build” button on the toolbar. Select up to 20 items, click “Build,” then choose what type of Card they should be made into, and your new Card will be created with those assets added automatically.

Room participants can now respond to room emails from moderators: When sending an email to room participants from the Room Overview page, Moderators can now opt in to allowing participants to see their email address and reply directly to them from that message.

Batterii Update 4/30/17

Movable walls refreshed and reimagined: We have done our homework and listened to your feedback, and Movable walls are evolving in a huge way to help you do your work more efficiently and have greater control over the layout of your walls. Some of the highlights include:

- Flexible asset placement and custom resizing on Movable walls

- Auto-layout tools to instantly create a grid, cluster, or stack of assets

- Improved card previews

- Use locked assets as custom backdrops or layout templates

To get all the details on what has changed and how it will make your team love Batterii walls even more, check out More Powerful Moveable Walls. And stay tuned, we have even more exciting advancements coming to a wall near you very soon!

Export your movable wall layouts to PDF: We know how much time you spend fine-tuning walls to present your work in the best light possible. To that end, the Export tool now allows you to generate a high resolution PDF of that layout to send to someone outside of Batterii, print and hang on your office wall, or do anything you’d like with to share your hard work.

Updated room participant lists so that users who have been removed from the community are no longer listed. Previously, room participants had to be removed manually even if their community access had been revoked. This is no longer the case, and a user will be removed from their rooms when removed from the community. If the user is reactivated in the community with that same account, their room access will be automatically restored.

Batterii Update 4/10/17

Forgot Password? Password Reset via mobile
Forget your password or accidentally enter in the wrong password and got locked out of Batterii? No problem! Now you can easily reset your password for your Batterii account via your mobile app. Just enter your registered email and go from there! 

Mobile made easier!

Touch ID Enabled now availableTouch ID makes capturing assets to Batterii even easier. Enable TouchID so you maintain your momentum when capturing content to your Batterii rooms. 

Faster and Easier to post from Post-it App to Batterii 

Now with a couple quick steps you can turn that wall of Post-it Notes into a moveable digital wall of assets.  

Capture and Export your Post-its Wall 

And instantly share all your notes to a Batterii Room/Wall or Mission. 

For the step-by-step directions check out the how to Add a wall of Post-its to Batterii. 

Organic Tags in Tags List! 

There has always been the ability to tag as you see fit, but now in order to have a more consistent tagging structure any tag you add will now show in the larger list of tags for others to choose from!  Pre-set tags that are set by the room Moderator will show in BOLD. 

Notifications Upgrade!  

Now you will be notified on all Batterii activity in the way you want! Immediate for time specific projects (Missions) or when you are added to a Room and Weekly Digests are available for an overview of new content in all your rooms. 

We have separated Digest Notifications (Weekly vs. Daily) and more action based notifications (Added to a Room, Missions and Evaluations)    

Remove the barriers to cocreation with updated notifications! Don't miss what is going on in your room. Go to "Your Profile" to set your notifications. For step-by-step directions check out the Settings for Your Profile

New content Indicators in Mobile 

The Batterii Android and iPhone app will highlight new content at the room, wall and asset level so you won't miss a thing! 

Favorite Rooms are here! 

You can now favorite up to 8 rooms! You can easily access your favorites by selecting them from your left navigation from anywhere in Batterii. 

Easily Update Room Cover Image 

Forgot to add a Room Cover Image when you first started it? No problem you can quickly add a new Cover Image from your home page! It will quickly pull images that have already been uploaded to your room or you can upload a new one! 

Lots of new and exciting features to kick off 2017! 

Redesigned Homepage and New Content Indicators

Your home page is a personalized list of rooms relevant to you along with new room indicators highlighting rooms that have new content you haven't seen! 

Recent Rooms – Recent Rooms emphasize Rooms you have recently accessed (up to the last 6 rooms). Now you can quickly find rooms you are currently using so you don't have to search.  Pop in and check out the rooms that have blue dots as these blue dots now indicate rooms that have new content! 

Joined Rooms vs. Owned Rooms
Use the left side navigation to see all of your rooms and then filter down to only rooms you Own. 

Recent Contributions
Assets that recently have been added to rooms you have access to show on the homepage and can highlight something you may miss without going into a room. 

New Content Indicators 

Check out the rooms with new content first! Rooms now show you where new content is housed then once in the room, wall indicators will also show you where to navigate to see new content. 

Room Indicators

Wall Indicators 

New Content Indicators
You can easily find content on any wall view - Explore, Grid or Moveable

Mobile Updates

iPhone and Android have been updated to reflect the new homepage redesign! 

Search and Join a Room from Mobile
Now you will be able to search for any public room on mobile. Go to the room search, click to view the room and click Join the Room if you want to participate! 

Add a Wall
Last but not least Add a Wall via the mobile app. When in a room you own (or are a moderator) you can quickly add a wall that you may have missed when setting up the room on desktop. 

Visit the Main Support collections for more information and detailed instructions on other Batterii functions and features!

Curious about prior released features? Visit the What's New Archives 


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